Blood Analysis for Weight Loss

A blood exam can be the key to identifying weight related issues.  No matter how restrictive your diet can be, there can be many reasons for a resistant weight loss than just a poor diet and lifestyle choices.  A professional approach for effective weight loss is analyzing how your hormones are contributing to your weight gain.

Hormones and weight loss are one of the oldest associations that attribute to body weight issues. Taking the appropriate blood tests can reveal if your body consists of any biologic challenges and indicates how you can obtain or maintain a healthy weight.

Having worked with people of all ages and weight, Paulo Spritze is a personal trainer who understands the importance of analyzing these blood test results with the client in order to effectively customize a diet and workout for the client. The following tests can be done with your regular physician. Just request a copy to be shared confidentially with Paulo.

The liver is a major organ in the body which takes care of detoxification. Detoxification is, essentially, getting rid of the toxins that could include excess fat from the body. An overworked liver or a dysfunctional one can result in a buildup of toxins in the blood stream and inflammation as seen in obesity and fat accumulation around the belly.

The blood tests that examine the lipid profile are called HDL cholesterol levels, LDL cholesterol levels, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. High levels of LDL and total (high) cholesterol can negatively impact your overall health; not just weight loss. Similarly, a low level of HDL or good cholesterol is definitely a good sign of health.

A thyroid hormone blood test involves measuring T3, T4, and TSH levels. Because the thyroid hormone works on every cell of the body, this also includes control of our metabolism. A high level thyroid stimulating hormone can cause a reduction in your metabolic rate and can cause weight-loss issues.

Insulin is known to be a fat building hormones. Therefore, excess levels are sure to guarantee accumulation of fat in the body. Not only does insulin store fat but, it also prevents the breakdown of fat as an energy source. Diabetes is a condition signified by an increase in circulating insulin levels, leading to insulin resistance. Both tests are imperative.

Weight loss is dependent on the availability of many nutrients in your body, iron being one of them. If tests results show you are iron deficient, then you may experience fatigue and tiredness. In this scenario, even your metabolism slows down and exercise seems like a difficult task.

It is common for many people to experience deficiency in vitamin D during the winter months as we don’t spend much time in the sun. When our body is deficient in vitamin D, our body system starts piling on fat, as animals would to keep the body running in harsh winters. Similarly, B-complex vitamins are important for the digestion and utilization of carbohydrates in the diet. If you deficient, this process gets disrupted leading to fat deposition.

Women can struggle with weight if they have polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. Women with PCOS have high levels of male hormones namely testosterone and insulin. These present as menstrual irregularities and weight gain among others.

Different hormones are released under stressful situations that lead to weight gain and obesity. It has been found that the body also releases a hormone called cortisol when it is under stress. This hormone not only leads to storage of body fat but, also increases food cravings and encourages hunger pangs for fatty or sugary foods.

Blood Analysis for Weight Loss
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