Eating For The LA Marathon

With the marathon 5 days away, I am being extra conscientious of what I eat to ensure I have optimal energy to carry a steady pace.  I am not getting too hardcore with my diet because I train 5-6 clients a day and need to eat more to sustain the works out I do with each person.  With the help of my wife, here’s a little of how I’ve been eating to  prepare.

Cooked by Karina
Brussel sprouts seared in a skillet pan with olive oil, chopped garlic and a pinch of salt.

In the morning around 5:00 am, I will blend 5 table spoons of oat meal with a glass of water and then start my run of 14-16 miles.  When I get back, I’ll have 4 hard boiled eggs and a small yam for breakfast.  I love this combo because it’s a great source of protein and excellent source of carbs.

For snacks, I make sure I keep a bag of raw almonds in the car while I am driving in between clients.  If I have time to come back home, I am eating a banana with peanut butter.

I make sure I eat lunch on time to keep my metabolic clock going so, around 1:00 pm I will have oven baked fish with fresh herbs, a bit of pink Himalayan salt and lemon along with veggies like broccoli, carrots, asparagus, or brussel sprouts.

If I don’t have a late day, I will run again an easy 5-7 miles with my wife and have dinner around 6/7:00 pm – a light meal, like chicken soup.  It’s one of my favorites meals my wife makes.  Is has so many nutrients and I the protein I need – I definitely go back for seconds.  I go back for a fruit before bedtime as well.

On race day, because you lose a lot of muscle tissue during strenuous workouts, I’ll be sure to take my go-to supplements, BCAA and Glutamine.

I have to admit, I am pretty excited to run along with all of Los Angeles from Dodger Stadium to the beach.  Alone it’s already such an inspiring city to run around with alluring views.  Good luck to all the runners, make sure you stay hydrated during the race.  Hollar if you see me!!

Running up hills increases training endurance.
Running up Mullholland Drive
Running up Mullholland Drive
My game face for the race! ha.
Eating For The LA Marathon
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